
After Spending 10M

Launches Rehabilitation Program


Always donate for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand to Those in Need


Save lives in

Turkiye & Syria
Earthquake Appeal


After Spending 10M

Launches Rehabilitation Program


Always donate for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand to Those in Need

Urgent Ramzan Appeal

Helping each other can make world better

Help us provide continuity of support to orphans, students and families. Donate in the Holy month of Ramadan and earn double reward by Allah (SWT). Alkhidmat Foundation is running a countrywide network of Aghosh Homes as well as supporting orphans and widows at their homes. We are also providing scholarships to indigenous students to get free education at colleges and universities. Moreover, we also distribute Ramadan ration packs to the most deprived people and impoverished families.

Helped fund 24,537 Projects in 24 Countries, Benefiting over
8.2 Million people.

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Emergency Appeals

We’re On a Mission to
Serve Humanity

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